Monday, March 16, 2009

I Heart Haircuts!!

One of the areas where I have splurged a little with the kids is taking them to the kiddie haircut place. Of course I still take coupons, but I have enjoyed this so much that I think it's worth the few dollars every once in a while. Every time I have tried to cut Katy's hair myself, it has been DREADFUL. So we go where she gets to go down the slide and watch a video and she considers it a real treat to get a haircut.

And today, DAVID joined in! I thought it would be cute to get his haircut before his birthday and OMG! My boy! I just love it, he looks so grown up that I can't stop staring at him. I'm not sure if you can tell much of a difference in the pictures, but what a big boy he is!

He surprised me by being a little nervous at first. He was like, "What is this lady doing to me?"
But he warmed up once his hands were free...
And look! I'm so big!

In fact, I'm all cheeks! what can I get away with...?


Giselle said...

We had one of those places in Louisville (man that place rocked...). Of course there is nothing here. So Michael is totally sporting a mullet. Except for the Vanilla Ice sideburns that I've managed to give him. Argh. David looks so cute, I think I might cave and get Mikey a "real" haircut. ;)

bluedaisy said...

Now I don't feel so guilty about splurging on that too! Although the place we use "Snip-its" does not have a slide and doesn't seem quite as cool. But they just increased their price by $2 and my boys are starting to need more frequent haircuts so we might need to go some place more basic...but they do really well there! If you don't want to say where you go here, can you email me? Very very cute photos!!

Mommy Daisy said...

He does look VERY grown up now. A little man! Cute!

Oma Froehle said...

He looks positively . . . one! Just as handsome as ever.

Kelsey said...

He does look more grown up! Michael is nowhere near needing a hair cut yet.

Pam said...

A spiffy haircut just in time for his birthday! He looks great.