Saturday, January 31, 2009
Guess where Katy is sleeping right now?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Big Brother Alert
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Did I get bundled up for THIS?!?!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Dedicated David
My family gathered with Joe (the elder who prayed for us) and his wife Judy. Some of our life group also joined us in prayer during the service.
Two things really struck me during this service. One was that Joe prayed that David would grow to be a man of Godly strength and wisdom, with a sincere heart, and that he would live up to his name, "beloved." And I thought, wow, what an amazing opportunity to raise this baby, who might hopefully become a man of Godly character and heart. I don't tend to think of him beyond...maybe...2 years old. But a man. A good man. A Godly man. That's what this is all about.
Secondly, I was touched by the people who came to pray with us. It really takes a village, and it meant a lot to me to have others there in support. I truly depend on the support of others (both physical and moral) to raise these kids of mine. And some of that is right here on this blog! So thanks for being a part of that, your support is so greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Bring It.
1) How old?
2) How long?
3) Method/Philosophy?
4) Pull-ups or panties?
5) Little potty or big?
6) Stickers or M & M's?
7) General pep talk? Please?
Final Round at Grammy and Papa John's
And here's how we spent much of the weekend, chasing babies and balloons...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
9 Months of Bubs
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009
A year of thrift
I have to admit that the process isn't always fun for me. There have been several times this year that I have been in tears of frustration because of the amount of time and effort it takes to do all of this. Brian has even started teasing me because about once a month I tell him in almost the exact same words: "I'm not sure if this is worth it."
But it is. You should have seen how giddy I was when I came home from the grocery the other night. My first transaction was entirely diapers. Having 2 kids in diapers gets quite costly, so you have to strike while the bargain is hot. Through a combination of deals, discounts, and coupons, I bought the following:
The total cost of these diapers without discounts would be: $169.42.
I paid: $56.75 - that's a savings of 69%!!!
(and technically, I didn't pay anything, because I had rebate gift cards that paid for them, but that's another story)
So then I went back into the store to get the groceries that we needed for the next week or so. (Some people go to the store methodically every Saturday, but I'm not that organized. I go when I feel like we don't have any food left.) Again, through a variety of deals and coupons, I got a cart full of groceries worth $137.92 for $58.05. That's a savings of 58%!!
Overall, even though we've added another child to our family that eats 6 jars of babyfood per day and goes through a lot of diapers (related?), I am spending less per month on groceries and toiletries than I was at this time last year. My CVS receipt says that I saved over $2,000 in 2008. I feel so fortunate that blogging has helped me in yet another way!!
And if you think that any of this is impressive, you should see my friend Beth! She is completely incredible. She walks out of stores with a bunch of stuff and pays like 30 cents. She has launched a new blog, where she's sharing some of her secrets: Coupon Coach.
If any of you live locally and are interested in this, let me know. I am thinking about having a Money Saving Party (you know, like Pampered Chef, except instead of spending money, you learn to save it?), hosted by our very own Coach.
So how about you, what has been your best money saving strategy this year? I want to learn more, more, more!!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Worth linking...
Monday, January 05, 2009
Round 4
My Dad loves baseball. Always has. He was thrilled to find a baseball game for 9 month olds. So was David.