So the part time job that I do from home? The one that is typically about 4 - 5 hours per week? It's been really busy lately. In fact, I worked 5 hours today. It just happens to be busy right now, it should slow back down, but I'm feeling overwhelmed. 12 hours of child care and 5 hours of work makes for a long day.
At least I accomplished one goal today, which was getting all the lists that have been running around in my head down on paper. It drives me crazy when I'm thinking of all of these things that needs to be organized into bullet points and my busy hands cannot write them down! It makes me feel better now that they're on paper. At least I know they cannot permanently escape from my mind...never to be found again.
Jack at 16
2 years ago
Now you need to burn the paper and go out for ice cream with Katy. Hold on though, it's too cold. Make that go out and have hot chocolate with Katy.
The thing about lists is that they never go away...
Lists go with multi-tasking and with motherhood. There is no way that I would have been organized enough to work, keep my kids alive, cook, pay bills, and show up at the right places IN THE RIGHT ORDER without a list. Otherwise, it would have happened . . . just not on time. :-)
Relax, now. You've got it.
It sounds like a crazy time - don't forget to breathe! I'm the same about lists. I can't remember anything that isn't written down.
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