This little guys is getting more interactive, it's fun to see. He's smiling more frequently and definitely recognizes mom and dad.
Friday, May 30, 2008
My week in pictures
This little guys is getting more interactive, it's fun to see. He's smiling more frequently and definitely recognizes mom and dad.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
2 (yrs.) + 2 (mos.) = 1 (stressful well visit)
Monday, May 26, 2008
weekends the way I like 'em
It was SUCH a nice weekend. A long one, first of all, and then the weather - oh, how we've so patiently waited for spring around here! All that waiting has paid off with this beautiful weekend.
On Sunday, Brian's mom and her siblings (she's one of 6) gathered for a family reunion in northern Ohio. It was at a really nice park and we got to eat, play, and meet and greet with alot of Brian's cousins who I have never met. I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly it went, going up there for the day with the 2 little ones. It was the first day in her life, I believe, that Katy got absolutely no nap. She is such a stinker, she won't sleep in the car even if she is dead tired. But she was fine, I put her to bed an hour early and she seemed recovered today.
Papa John chills with our baby Buckeye
Grammy and her mom - Great Grandma G
Great Grandma meets her latest great grandchild. She thinks that makes 16...
Brian's Uncle Jeff, Mom, Aunt Pam, Uncle Duane, and Grandma
David did well while we were at the party, enjoying being held and carried in the carrier. But alas, he has entered the world of crying in the car. Ugh. I think that may be the hardest thing about babies for me, when they cry in the car seat. If you're taking a long trip, and they are fed and dry, there is nothing you can do about it. Also, the middle seat in our van seats 2, so that's where we have the car seats, so there isn't even an option for me to sit next to him for damage control. It is agony.
Then today we went to the zoo with Aunt Mel and Pam & co. We renewed our membership (the one I got for Mother's Day last year) because we have so thoroughly enjoyed going to the zoo on a regular basis. Katy was SO excited when we told her we were going this morning. She has become obsessed with snakes for some reason, among other animals, so she talked non stop about all the things we would see. At one point we were walking along and Brian asked, "Do you like the zoo, Katy?" and she answered, "Yeah! It's fun!!" I have never heard her use the word fun before, but she couldn't help herself. She and Jack took advantage of the wagon we got for free recently, and Jack showed Katy the joys of a pony ride. It was awesome. David did fine the whole time we were there, once again, until we got in the car. We had to stop and nurse him on the way home. Ugh.
Also...for a weight watchers update - in three weeks, I've lost 8.5 pounds, which brings me back to my pre-pregnancy weight (I had gained almost 40 pounds total - yikes!). Now I need to lose another 20 which has been hanging around since I had Katy. The weight watchers program (or "dub dub" as we lovingly call it) is such a good one. It's easy to learn and follow, and I think it's overall very healthy. Brian has also lost 8 or 9 pounds, so hopefully we're on our way to feeling better. Of course, WW is easier to follow when you are nursing - you get so many extra points and burn so many calories even without exercise. Definitely a good time to lose weight.
I hope you had a good weekend, too!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
The pink sand from Oma & Opa is the hit of the neighborhood
So pretty in the princess nightgown from Pam & co.
After bath, storytime is much more comfy in her new chair from Grammy and Papa John
Enjoying double fisted DQ with Aunt Mel
She's constantly begging me to ride her new "bike" from cousins Abby, Stan, & Gabe
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Just for the record...
First the hurricane puts a morbid association with one of my favorite girl names while I was pregnant with Katy, and now this...
Monday, May 19, 2008
2 years
May 19th, 2006
This year has been such a joy with you. I could never have imagined what it would be like to know and love a toddler so deeply, but it is awesome. It has been so much fun to watch you change from a baby to a little girl in just 12 months. In this year, you have learned to talk in complete sentences, express emotions, walk up and down stairs, dance, sing, feed yourself, take your clothes off, and give the best hugs and kisses a mommy could ask for.
Of course, talking about this past year wouldn't be complete without mentioning the birth of your baby brother. You are the cutest little big sister. You truly love your brother without question, which is a pretty amazing feat for such a tiny person. You are also actually helpful! (sometimes) You bring me diapers, throw dirty ones away, and try to give David his pacifier when he is crying. (We're still working on that one.)
May 19th, 2007
It sounds cliche, but everyone loves you, Katy. Your personality really shines through, and everywhere we go people stop and comment on what a sweetheart you are. And you are so smart. You blow me away everyday with the things you know and understand. Since you're two, you also know how to use your noggin to your advantage, and you are such a stinker trying to get away with things.
As much as others love you, you seem to love other people as well. You get so excited to see your friends and family members. Above all, you are Daddy's girl. You and Daddy are two peas in a pod, so silly together. I love to see you two enjoying your time together, it is incredibly special.
So I know this year is supposed to be the Terrible Twos, and I'm sure that there will be many challenges in the year ahead. But mostly I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll do next. You are an amazing little girl and I love every moment I get to spend with you.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl.
Love you,
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Party Fit for a Two Year Old
David was an angel the whole time. He slept in the car seat for a good bit of the party, then he had a bottle (only his 2nd in his life) and fell back asleep in Grandpa's arms for the rest.
Friday, May 16, 2008
more than I can chew
This week I've been feeling like I've taken a big bite. A bigger bite than I can chew at the moment. It's not any single thing, just a culmination of things.
Of course, there's the obvious newborn and toddler combo. David has gotten more awake, aware, and fussy. Mostly he wants to be held while he is awake. This makes getting things done a challenge. And I like to carry him in the sling, but I'm having trouble with my back. It hurts alot. I went to get a massage and the therapist literally said, "This is CRAZY. You can't live like this," because I was so tight.
Then I know I don't mention it much, but I am still working for the pediatric therapy clinic that I used to work for as an OT. Throughout my pregnancy with David, I was doing about 4 hours a week from home, and it was perfect. I got it done while Katy was napping or after she went to bed. I took a few weeks off after he was born, but ever since I started up again, it's been REALLY busy. I think it's just temporary, but the last 2 weeks I've been doing 8 hours a week, and that's with 2 children who don't always nap at the same time and a baby that I don't put to bed until I'm ready to go to sleep for the night. So that's been a big stressor. It will be easier once David is on a regular schedule and they are both (hopefully) napping in the afternoon.
Then Sunday evening, I came down with a cold (possibly what David had?), and it was really kicking me in the pants. I had a low grade fever and was collapsing into bed at 9pm every night, which is really unusual for me as I am a night owl. As of yesterday I seem to have gotten over that, thankfully.
And of course, the most exciting thing going on this week is the preparation for Katy's 2nd birthday. I've been shopping and cooking and wrapping and reading books about birthdays to Katy so that she will understand what is going on. We're having a party for her tomorrow at a park, and then he actual birthday is Monday. I'm really stressed about whether or not it's going to rain. The forecast is calling for a chance, and we really don't have a great backup plan. I'm afraid we're going to have to decide between huddling under the shelter as the park or being stuffed into our living room. Hopefully by morning the "chance" will be smaller, I know that happens alot.
So I wanted to say thanks to all of you who participated in the Mother's Day survey, but now I have a follow-up. Since 79% of you think that putting dinner on the table is easier than keeping your house clean, I need your advice. There's no question about it, the single greatest challenge for me as a wife and mother is preparing meals for my family. It's just HARD, I'm not very good at it, and I struggle to find the time to become better. And lately, I've gotten into couponing, and we're also doing Weight Watchers, and of course I don't have much time for dinner prep with the 2 little ones. Sooo....I have another poll for you. Let me know what you think.
So in the midst of all of this craziness, I happened to catch one of those really sweet moments on camera. This is what makes it all worth it, and I find myself watching it again and again when they aren't this happy.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mom's Day
After an initial freak out because someone looked at her (pretty standard these days), Katy loved it. This place had a boardwalk through the woods that was perfect for strollers, and Katy kept calling every stick in the woods a "snake" until I taught her the word "stick." Then we ran into a family that I know from work, so she ran around with their boys for a while and had a blast. David was really good, sleeping in the car seat or the Bjorn the whole time.
After church this morning we went to Costco to pick up a few things. While we were picking up $85 worth of diapers and wipes (I wish I were kidding), it seemed to get somewhat empty in the store. Then I heard one of the workers say, "It touched down just west of here, and it's headed this way. It should be here in about 20 minutes." I knew instantly that she was talking about a tornado. My first instinct was to get in car and drive the heck away from there, but then I looked at the front of the store and knew we'd never make it: there was a huge mob of people trying to pay and leave (aren't cell phones amazing? Everyone knew the tornado was headed right toward us). So I spent the next 20 minutes doing what I always do: panicking for no reason. By the time we got out of the store, the storm had passed over us and we hadn't even realized it. So that was a little Mother's Day excitement.
I have to admit, though, that I was a little overwhelmed by my children this weekend. Katy's stranger anxiety has gotten so bad that we decided not to attend a party we wanted to go to today, because it would inevitably be stressful. And David has really woken up the past few days. He heard the rumor about 6 weeks being the peak of fussiness and decided he didn't want to be an exception to that rule. He cries in the car, wants to be held all the time, and isn't sleeping nearly as well. But I know this is just a phase. It'll get better. I'm just tired. And that's what being a mom is all about.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
6 weeks
- He likes to eat, just like his parents.
- He wishes he were a tummy sleeper, but his mommy is too paranoid.
- He loves to suck, and we are soooo thankful for the pacifier.
- I think he is smiling at me. It's gradually looking more certain.
- He has yet to have a bottle, which I'm starting to think may come back to bite me if he decides he doesn't like that option.
- He's starting to make some vocalizations besides crying, and I forgot how cute that is.
- Most of the time he fusses for a reason.
- If he decides he's not tired, it's very difficult to get him to go to sleep. Especially at 3am.
- There's something comforting about the position of his car seat - bless him.
I can't wait to see what the next 6 weeks will bring...
Monday, May 05, 2008
Now that cold and flu season is over...
Sunday, May 04, 2008
A Road Trip and the Return of Freaking Out
And as I'm completing this post, I'll make it a goal for this week: take some decent pictures of my son, for heaven's sake! Every time I download my pictures, I realize that I haven't taken any of him. Poor second child...