Friday, May 16, 2008

more than I can chew

This week I've been feeling like I've taken a big bite. A bigger bite than I can chew at the moment. It's not any single thing, just a culmination of things.

Of course, there's the obvious newborn and toddler combo. David has gotten more awake, aware, and fussy. Mostly he wants to be held while he is awake. This makes getting things done a challenge. And I like to carry him in the sling, but I'm having trouble with my back. It hurts alot. I went to get a massage and the therapist literally said, "This is CRAZY. You can't live like this," because I was so tight.

Then I know I don't mention it much, but I am still working for the pediatric therapy clinic that I used to work for as an OT. Throughout my pregnancy with David, I was doing about 4 hours a week from home, and it was perfect. I got it done while Katy was napping or after she went to bed. I took a few weeks off after he was born, but ever since I started up again, it's been REALLY busy. I think it's just temporary, but the last 2 weeks I've been doing 8 hours a week, and that's with 2 children who don't always nap at the same time and a baby that I don't put to bed until I'm ready to go to sleep for the night. So that's been a big stressor. It will be easier once David is on a regular schedule and they are both (hopefully) napping in the afternoon.

Then Sunday evening, I came down with a cold (possibly what David had?), and it was really kicking me in the pants. I had a low grade fever and was collapsing into bed at 9pm every night, which is really unusual for me as I am a night owl. As of yesterday I seem to have gotten over that, thankfully.

And of course, the most exciting thing going on this week is the preparation for Katy's 2nd birthday. I've been shopping and cooking and wrapping and reading books about birthdays to Katy so that she will understand what is going on. We're having a party for her tomorrow at a park, and then he actual birthday is Monday. I'm really stressed about whether or not it's going to rain. The forecast is calling for a chance, and we really don't have a great backup plan. I'm afraid we're going to have to decide between huddling under the shelter as the park or being stuffed into our living room. Hopefully by morning the "chance" will be smaller, I know that happens alot.

So I wanted to say thanks to all of you who participated in the Mother's Day survey, but now I have a follow-up. Since 79% of you think that putting dinner on the table is easier than keeping your house clean, I need your advice. There's no question about it, the single greatest challenge for me as a wife and mother is preparing meals for my family. It's just HARD, I'm not very good at it, and I struggle to find the time to become better. And lately, I've gotten into couponing, and we're also doing Weight Watchers, and of course I don't have much time for dinner prep with the 2 little ones. Sooo....I have another poll for you. Let me know what you think.

So in the midst of all of this craziness, I happened to catch one of those really sweet moments on camera. This is what makes it all worth it, and I find myself watching it again and again when they aren't this happy.

1 comment:

Pam said...

You need to de-stress lady! I know it's hard at the moment and i hope things cool down a bit - I can't imagine trying to work and look after 2 kids and be a homemaker all at the same time. Brings me out in shivers. I can only summize that people who have 8 kids are insane.
The party will be fabulous, whether we are huddled in a shelter or squeezed into your living room. We just want to see the little girl of the day.