Monday, May 05, 2008

Now that cold and flu season is over...

...we can't get past being sick. This time it's David's turn. He has sounded congested for a day or so, but he always kind of sounds congested, so I wasn't sure it was anything of concern. But today he woke up with a wet cough, so I took him in. They think he has some respirartory virus, possibly RSV or bronchiolitis? It could end up just being mild, or it could get serious. They gave us a list of things to watch out for, and if we see them, we're supposed to go to the ER. It's probably fine, but seems scary, too. So if you wouldn't mind, say a prayer for my little man. I'm hoping it's just a mild virus that doesn't give us any trouble...

At least we know he's not starving.


Pam said...

I've got something too - just today I have a sore throat and wet cough. I hope to goodness I didn't give it to him. I'm so sorry if I did. Give him a big hug from us and I hope he feels better soon.
Pam xx

Mommy Daisy said...

Praying for a healthy baby and family. What a little chubster! He is so cute!

Giselle said...

I hope David ends up with just a little cold. I know Lily got sick WAY more than Andrew (2nd child thing, I think), but it was never as serious (she just got her first round of antibiotics...I think Andrew was 14 months younger when her got his). I hope you experience the same with your 2nd child.

And he certainly isn't starving. ;) Such a cute rolypoly...I just love me some baby rolls.

Jen said...

Ellie got her first cold at one week old (Jacob had one when she was born and we let him come to the hospital anyway). She had a horrible runny nose and cough, but there's not much you can do for them at that stage. She was fine within a week, so we're praying the same for baby David. What a cute pic.!

Kelsey said...

I hope you have a healthy household very soon. I'm crossing my fingers that it's just a little cold for David.