Happy New Year, everyone! I kinda like a new year. It's fun to reflect on all that God has done in our lives this year, obviously 2006 has been a big one for us. But I think 2007 is promising as well. I will celebrate my 30th birthday, Katy will celebrate her first. Brian's planning to run his
first marathon, and we're planning to take our
first family vacation. We know of at least 2 weddings and a couple babies (there's still time for that one, though). Anyway, who knows what 2007 will bring, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Of course 2006 has been eventful for us. In addition to having Katy, which was rock-my-world life changing, there have been some other changes. We resigned from our staff position with
Students For Christ, and have become participating members of
Hertiage Christian Church in Westerville. I also resigned after 5 years of working with
Columbus Public Schools, and I'm now working part time doing early intervention for my former co-worker Kay and her new company, Pediatric Therapy Partners (she doesn't have a website yet, but she'll be bugging Brian for one soon :) ). In general, life looks a little different this January 1st than it did last year.
This week has been really nice, though, we've caught up on a bunch of things, gotten some hang out time, and Katy is progressing along with new developments. One highlight is that I got to see my high school girls, Cindy and Jen, along with Jen's 19 month old Will. Katy and I took Jen and Will to
Young's Dairy, an Ohio classic, so they got to hang out in the car seats:

Then we had lunch and ice cream, catching up on life spread out over the US. It is always amazing to me how our lives can change so much and be geographically so far apart, but when you come back home, you can just easily have a conversation as if it's 1995.

I also found a really good deal at a consignment shop, which makes me really excited. A couple of moms have told me this this Fischer Price Laugh and Learn House has been their kids' favorite toy from age 6 month-2+years, but it's $70. Well I had $40 from Grandma Martha to spend on Katy for Christmas, and I found it for, guess how much? $40. Sweet. Looks like brand new, and Katy likes it already.
Katy is getting stronger at crawling every day, she can move across the room in about 5 minutes with a lot of work and complaining. She also had another tooth poke through yesterday, on the top, and I am praying PLEASE oh PLEASE let that be why she's been so fussy this week. But we will see....