Thursday, June 09, 2011


We've been so busy with Big Events lately, that I've lost sight of the everyday stuff. This week, the calendar has been pleasantly empty, and we've gotten a chance to revisit day to day life. Take walks, go to the pool, have lunch on the porch, turn on the sprinkler, run errands, read books. It's been awesome.

Someone's got a birthday coming up! He's sucking the same two fingers as his brother and he's totally attached to his blanket. (Mom - do you have any extra of that material? We may need a spare.) Everyone is surprised that he still isn't walking because he crawled early. But he's just really happy crawling and cruising.

Katy is OBSESSED with perler beads right now. David figured out a way that he can help - finding the colors that she needs! (He was having trouble putting the beads on the peg boards so this is a better fit.)

You put these teensy tiny beads in a pegboard in a design and then iron them together. You can do your own, or if you have an idea book like this one, you can copy more complicated designs.

One other item of note from the week: Katy's kindergarten teacher came for a home visit*, and it was a really positive experience. She will be in the afternoons, in the class that we were hoping for, and I really liked her teacher a lot. I finally feel more excited than nervous about kindergarten. Now to enjoy summer!

(*In case you are like me, and had never heard of such a thing as a public school home visit, it has something to do with Title 1 money that the building gets for having a certain percentage of students from low income families.)

1 comment:

Oma said...

I definitely have some scraps of the fabric from Luke's "fire department" blanket. I'll get them out and buy some more red binding. We may have some "less than square" pieces that will be comforting but not big enough to cover him up.

Planning to stop and see you for a little while on the way to Granny's.

Love, Oma