Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Fun: Pumpkin Carving

This, the third pumpkin we have carved as a family, is making it's mark. Katy picked out the template for the face all by herself. Brian says that he's finally figured out which tools to use to make it light up correctly. And I didn't spend the pumpkin carving session puking in the bathroom (that's how I remember last year's session. It was pregnancy/stomach flu). However, as you can see in the last photo, we have a new problem.

Darn those squirrels! After this photo, we soaked it in bleach water per internet advice and guess what? They ate his forehead, soaked in bleach. In all my days of jack-o-lanterns, I've never had this problem. What is up with the wildlife in this neighborhood?


Kelsey said...

Looks like you had fun - those are some crazy squirrels! We've never had that problem, even though we have squirrels in our yard constantly...

Pam said...

Great pictures! I've had the same problem this year for the first time - they've nibbled at my pumpkins too, the crazy varmints!