Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Battle Wounds

Exhibit A: Bump on the Forehead
Exhibit B: Scraped Nose
Exhibit C: Busted Lip

These injuries are the result of 3 incidents in as many days. Each of these incidents occurred while I was watching her participate in activities that I would not consider especially dangerous (like walking, for instance). I fear that this says something about a) my supervision or b) her coordination. As you can see, it has had no long term effect on her demeanor.
Sickie update:
On Sunday night when I posted that things were on the up and up, I planned to sleep through the night and wake up feeling well. That's not what happened. Instead, I was kept awake half the night while I experienced something like an earache. Actually, it was exactly like an earache. I don't remember that last time I had an earache. I wasn't even one of those kids who got ear infections. But I went to the doc and it's confirmed: like a 5 year old, I have an ear infection. But anyway, after 24 hours of antibiotics, I am feeling much better, and this time, I'm hoping to be through with it.


Kelsey said...

Ugh! I hate when they are all banged up like that. I always want to walk around with a sign saying, "I don't beat her, she's just not coordinated!" For Harper it seems to always be her shins; she's a climber and she's always banging them on things.

Glad you're feeling better -- sorry about the ear infection!

Pam said...

I keep thinking I can prevent these things from happening but these kids are so fast! One minute toddling around the living room and the next climbing onto a toy and landing head first on the coffee table. Sorry Katy got so many war wounds in a short time but she looks just fine as usual!'Glad you're feeling better.

Mommy Daisy said...

You're not the only mom feeling bad about that. If it's not a bump on the head, it's on the arm, or leg, or somewhere. In a few months Zachariah has started hitting his head less, but now he's scraping up his knees. OH well. I always say the only way I can keep him from doing it is to wrap him up in bubble wrap every day.

Glad you're starting to feel better.

Erin said...

Hey, thanks for the congrats in your post! I logged on to see what was up in the world of Katydid, and there it was! Cool!

Seems like lately you all can't catch a break from the Evil Viruses. I don't know about you, but I feel like we go through bouts of being sick, sick, SICK, and then we get a healthy streak. I really hope your healthy streak is right around the corner.

And the picture of Katy with the bumps is actually CUTE. Does she keep getting cuter, or is it just me ;-)

Jen said...

So cute, even when she's been roughed up!

Hope you are feeling better!

Re: Carriage Hill - I remember being there with you when they butchered a hog (not a pretty sight). Can't say I recall much else...it must have scarred me to see pig parts in a bucket! =)