Tuesday, March 18, 2008

39 weeks - last belly shot

I had high hopes for my doctor's appointment today. I've been feeling pretty uncomfortable the past few days: crampy back pain, more pressure (as if the baby has dropped), and more contractions. So I thought maybe she'd have some news for me. But no. I'm the same 1.5 cm. Next week my doctor is on vacation, so I have an appointment with a different doc in the practice next Tuesday, the day before my due date. She said that she left him a note to schedule me for an induction on Monday, March 31st (her first day back from vacation) if I have not had the baby by then. The good news is that I am having this baby in the next 2 weeks one way or another. The bad news is that the thought of 2 more weeks in this body is...uncomfortable. But of course, the baby's doing well and that's what's important. So it's more of the waiting game.

I've got one last belly shot for you. The reason I say it's the last one is because this is the last week that I took one when I was pregnant with Katy, and I like to have a comparison shot. Plus, I'm not sure that I want to post anymore pictures if I get any bigger than this. Ugh.

39 weeks with Katy...oblivious smile

39 weeks with New Baby...nervous smile

Finally, the really good news is that we finally got the hardware to assemble the crib. So New Baby now has an official place to sleep. Maybe that will coax him to come out (though I don't think newborns are generally big fans of cribs, especially not cribs in a different room than Mommy and Daddy).


Erin said...

Look at that beautiful blue in the baby's room! It's BEAUTIFUL!

And you look awesome! Could I use more explanation points in this comment?! No! I cannot! Wait! Yes! I can!


Sorry. Just getting reeeeally excited for you. 2 weeks or less! TWO WEEKS OR LESS! (There I go again! with the exclaiming!)

Pam said...

My birthday is the 30th......... Okay, I know I keep saying that and it's not funny as it puts you 4 days over. But it would be great to share his birthday

Jen said...

So cute! I bet you are glad to have "crib assembly" checked off your list!

Oma Froehle said...

28th! 28th! 28th! Think Friday the 28th!

You look wonderful. This one will be sooo much easier than the first one. You will say I was right.

Love you, Oma