Thursday, October 04, 2007

New neighbor

Not at all unrelated to the recent break-ins in our neighborhood (Dad, don't freak out), our neighbors just got a new puppy! Eventually he will be a 100 pound American bulldog, but for now, isn't he soooo cute? Katy loves this animal, giving him kisses and repeating her mantra, "doggie, woof woof, doggie, woof woof, doggie, woof woof."

Brian claims not to be a "pet guy," but we know the truth...(yikes, our porch needs painting)

Sam and Ella like the dog, but also enjoy Katy's toys...


In other news, I believe we have conquered the fruit flies. Thanks to all who gave advice. I was beginning to think this would be the end of me, but no, I OWN this kitchen.


Mommy Daisy said...

What a cute little doggie. Aww.

Glad you got the fruit flies. They are really bad this fall. We've seen more than usual, too.

Oma Froehle said...

So what's the dog's name? You didn't say! He looks like a "Spike" or something.

Katy does a good dog imitation.