Well! Here we are...a family of SIX. I don't even know where to begin to sum up the last 5 days. What a whirlwind of experiences it is to have a new baby. But overall I am so thankful.
Final belly shot - 39 weeks |
I had asked people, here and on Facebook, to pray for us last Wednesday, and so many people responded that they were. I was quite anxious going into the induction, but it meant a world of difference to me to know that you all were praying. I felt so supported, like everyone was pulling for me, God was protecting me. It was awesome.
She wants to take care of Anna - BY HERSELF. |
And He answered SO many prayers last Wednesday. I'll post a detailed birth story later (as much for my own future reference as anything else), but specifically, it was my most smooth labor and delivery of them all, things moved along quickly, the epidural went smoothly (and was effective), and I had no complications during or after L & D. Most importantly, of course, Anna was healthy, perfect, and beautiful, started eating right away (she latched on in the delivery room and nursed for 45 minutes!! That is a first for me), and the kids were able to come down and meet their baby sister. It was a moment that I will remember forever (and I actually have it on video, so maybe I will share it with you).
He has been SO sweet and SO proud of her. |
Anna had a hard time maintaining normal blood sugars in the hospital, so we had to do some supplementing along with the nursing, and lots and lots of heel sticks, which was no fun at all. But once my milk came in, I was able to stop supplementing and as of today she has gained back 2 ounces so we are in business.
Melt. My. HEART. He was so sweet with her when he came to the hospital. |
We came home on Friday. The pace of the household compared to the quiet hospital room makes my head spin. But it was really great to be home together all weekend, getting adjusted to the change, introducing her to family and friends. I think we were all ready to get back to school schedule this morning, though. The kids need a detox.
Dad and Sue took care of the big kids while we were at the hospital. Thank you! |
Grammy came in and took over on the last night. |
Pam and Craig and family came to visit - you should have seen the look on Jack's face when he held her. |
I was looking back on old blog posts from when we brought Luke and David home from the hospital, and I had to laugh. Yep, pretty much all the same stuff I was going to say this time: I feel really cruddy, I'm fighting an infection (it's just better not to ask), nursing hurts like crazy, Anna has not slept in the bassinet YET, and we are taking turns holding her in the glider, but despite all of that, I love her like crazy and I am so incredibly glad that she joined our family. I know all that other stuff will be better in a couple of weeks, and then I will still have my perfect little sweetheart to hold and love and get to know as she grows.
Ready for home... |
Constantly wanting to hold her. |
So sweet that they made these signs and hung them up for her. They also brought up baby toys from the basement. |
David's sign - he wrote the only word he knows. |
A moment of open eyes. |
In her happy place in someone's arms. |
Now my mom is here for the week. Such a relief to know that I have lots of extra hands to help. |
Thanks again for all the love and support!
oh my goodness! LOVE love love the pics with other 3 sibs. (and grandparents, too) Look at all those girly outfits and blankets! so exciting. Glad your mom is there for the week, and really hope infection goes away. Even though we've had a long time to get used to it, I can't believe you have 4 children! And another daughter! So happy for all of you.
Welcome Home Anna! I'm so pleased that it went well Emily. Enjoy having your mum there for a week! x
She's so sweet. I'm so glad Katy brought her picture last night to Girl Scouts. And I forgot to send the. Gift home with her...I brought it and everything. I'm sorry!! As soon as. Rebecca's done with this cold we will bring it by.
Oops....iPad issues...sorry for the typos.
So precious! Now, I may need to refrain from reading your blog until Anna gets older because all of that newborn preciousness is making me want another baby. Congrats again!
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