Friday, May 08, 2009

When a cast is the highlight of my week...

I've been counting down the hours until our orthopedic appointment next Thursday, when we would be able to get rid of David's splint and bandage "sling" and hopefully get a cast that would allow him some more mobility. The splint has been stressful to care for and keep in the right position.

Then last night the splint slipped so far out of alignment that I reached back to my splinting skills from OT school and removed it entirely to rewrap it. But I didn't feel confident about it, so I called the ortho doc this morning, and they said to come on in. And guess what??? We got a cast!! I am SO excited, this is such a relief, and I feel like a large weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

David has been in a much better mood since we got it - he can crawl and move and do what he needs to do. He's still a little uncomfortable, but it's a big improvement. Yay cast!!


Pam said...

Fabulous news! David looks like he's much happier too.

Weed said...


Mimi said...

That's the same color blue that Andy had when he broke his elbow--he was 5 (We still have it, too) I don't see any signatures on it yet!

Allecia said...

What relief! Great news and just in time for Mother's Day! I can't remember if Kaden initially had a cast up past his elbow, but I do remember he eventually got a short one, which SO nice! Hang in there (and keep taking pictures), it will be over soon!

Maureen said...

I just had splinting lab flashbacks...

Glad he is more comfortable and mobile!

Kelsey said...

I'm so glad for all of you that things are more manageable now - sorry I've been so absent during all of this, I've been thinking of you!