So many significant events are happening so quickly, I feel the need to record them before even more significant events make it impossible to do so. Just in the last week...
Jungle Jacks:
We had so much fun
last year that we decided to make it an annual trip. And this year Katy's soccer coach, who works at the zoo, got us wrist bands for free, so it was even better. Katy was just barely tall enough to ride the next level of rides, which meant 4 more rides than last year, including the roller coaster! They had an amazing time. David wasn't quite tall enough, but he was perfectly happy with the ones he could ride. Luke is at a tough age, because he realizes that they are having fun and wants to go, but he's only able to ride a couple of things. Again, next year...
She ran off of every ride screaming, "That was SO FUN!!!" |
Poor Luke. Desperately wanted to ride the train ride and it was closed for maintenance. |
We also got to check out the new exhibit, Stingray Bay. Here's my review: very cool, but I wouldn't do it every time we go because of the cost ($2 per person for members, $3 for nons, we got in with our wristbands). The stingrays swim up and touch you, and sometimes they even suck on your hand and splash you. David thought this was AWESOME, but Katy and Luke were squeamish. You also have to make an appointment when you arrive at the zoo and then make the trek over to JJL's at the correct time. |
Birthday Storm:
The evening before my birthday, right at rush hour, a storm with hurricane-force winds blew through our town and tore down trees onto houses and power lines, leaving 2 million people without power across the state. We lost our power, but the scariest thing was worrying about Brian driving home in it, after I talked to him on the phone and he said, "I need to get off now, there's huge items flying across the highway and I've seen 2 transformers blow in front of me." But he made it home safely, and we didn't have any damage to our property. Our power was off for 24 hours, but I can't even complain because there are some people in town who STILL don't have power, 5 days later. I feel so badly for them, in this heat (it's currently 94 degrees at 9pm), it must be unbearable. The people on the other side of our street never lost power, so all of them stretched extension cords across the street so those of us on our side could turn on our refrigerators and a fan. One neighbor knocked on our door at 8am with a pot of coffee. That's the best part of these things, seeing people help each other.
So I had a bizarre birthday, with the power out and scrambling to get simple things done and find food. Brian and I went out for our birthday date and drove around forever to find a restaurant that was open and had less than a 2 hour wait. But overall, I just feel badly for the people affected.
Katy's First Tooth Lost:
Katy has asked me a zillion times when she will lose her first tooth, because her friends have lost teeth and she wants to be a big girl like them. When we were in Kentucky a couple of weeks ago, we discovered that she had a loose one, and she was thrilled. On July 1st, it fell out, quite uneventfully while she was licking a spoon with Aunt Mel.
She called several people to tell them her news. She asked her cousins how much money the tooth fairy leaves them. |
She wrote the tooth fairy a nice note explaining that her first tooth came in on her dad's birthday and fell out on her mom's birthday (it was the day after, but who's counting.) The tooth fairy left $2 plus 50 cents for her first tooth. She's already asking questions and I suspect that in her heart of hearts she knows the truth but wants to believe. |
Well visits for Katy and Luke:
I'm always thankful for healthy well visits. It is such a blessing every day that my children are healthy! My only issue was Luke throwing a tantrum on the floor throughout the visit, but I know my Dr. so well at this point that I wasn't worried that he was judging me, he just shook his head and laughed, "Don't you just love this age?"
My peanuts:
Katy weight at 6 yrs: 38 pounds (10 %'ile) - she wants to be 40 so badly to get out of her 5 pt. harness car seat
Katy height: 42 inches (5 %'ile)
Luke weight at 2 yrs: 24 pounds (5 %'ile)
Luke height: 33.25 inches (20 %'ile)
Cindy at Young's:
My dearest Cindy was visiting her family and I was able to meet up with her at our very favorite Young's Dairy, with our kids in tow. She moved to Seattle in January, so seeing her in person is a rare treat. It was great to hold her Genevieve (Evie) for a minute and kiss her sweet cheeks. We talked as fast as we could in the presence of four young children.
Is she not the sweetest thing? |
And my kids LOVE this place. |
They had a little putting green in the play area that entertained them for quite some time. |
Feeding the goats is always their favorite *cringe* |
Attempted campout:
David's best buddy Frank invited him and Brian to join them in a backyard campout for his birthday. They had a super good time until Frank fell off the swingset and needed an x-ray so the party was over. Luckily he was ok
Fourth of July with Brett and Abigail:
Another special treat for this week was a visit with our friends Brett and Abigail who moved to Colorado last fall. They joined us for lunch and the parade, it was so great to see them and their kids. We miss them like crazy!
Baby Benjamin isn't much of a baby anymore! And this was the hottest parade I have ever attended. It was close to 100 degrees and no shade. |
And Emmaline is such a big girl. Katy misses her - they were the big girls of the play group. |
Our group lost a sippy cup and lots of candy down this drain. |
Landon's first parade - I think he'll be back next year! |
As I finish this up, Brian and the big kids are on their way home from the fireworks, which happened early because another storm is coming. Maybe it will bring some relief to this heat? It's tough to endure summer activities in this weather, and we've got grandparents to visit and camps to attend! I hope you are staying cool where you are.