Friday, August 27, 2010
Two months (four days late)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Accomplishment of the Week
Finally this week, the stars aligned. Found one in the budget, met the criteria, located close to our house, and we were able to get a quick truck and several helping hands to hurry up and claim the thing before someone else did. Results:
We're going to mulch around it, but you can use your imagination for that part.
I also didn't anticipate the number of hours it would take for Brian (and friends) to go over to the old place, disassemble it, bring the parts to our place, reassemble it, level it, ground it, and attach the parts. But finally, it's ready.
The kids are SO excited about it and have already spent hours out there. David calls it The Park. ("Can we go to The Park, Mommy?") And I love how it draws excitement in the neighborhood kids: one stopped on his bike and shouted to Brian, "Are you building a TREEHOUSE?!?"
So come on over!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Bring It: Two questions on parenting
1) For those of you who have two kids who are old enough to play together, I'm assuming that they fight and bicker. How much do you intercede as a parent? Do you let them work it out on their own? Or go running everytime one of them screams "Mom! He pushed me! She took my car! It's my turn!" or just plain old crying.
2) How much of the time are you engaged with your kids in play? I guess what I'm asking a given day, how much of the time do you encourage or let them play on their own and how much do you organize their play and get down on the floor with them?
All thoughts are welcome and appreciated!
Different river, different woods
So the kids swam their little hearts out (with floatie vests, a wonderful invention), and went down the slide like crazy (even David!). When they weren't swimming, they played lots of hide and seek with their cousins. Good times.
Can you believe that Luke is 8 weeks old? I can't. He's smiling lots more, and starting to be more awake and responsive. He's sleeping so well at night that I won't even write it for fear of stone-throwing. And as of right now, he usually takes one nap per day that is 2-3 hours, usually sometime in the afternoon, and then the rest are cat naps throughout the day. He likes his sleep, that's what I can tell about this boy so far. (again, won't last...I'm sure, once teething and rolling starts)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Over the River and Through the Woods
This weekend my Grandma turned 90, and we gathered to celebrate her. As I put together a list of my favorite memories with her, I thought of sharing it here. I won't bore you with the details or the background stories, but just to paint a little picture of my time with Grandma.
The smell of Charlie’s Donuts.
Field trips to Jack’s Aquarium.
Carnival rides at Immaculate Conception.
Calling you to ask if you would babysit me.
Sleeping on the pull-out bed in your room.
Eating buttered saltine crackers and Nutri Grain cereal for snacks.
Writing on the chalkboard in the basement and playing with the mannequin and extra rolls of toilet paper which were stored there.
The night of the car accident in your front yard while you were babysitting me, and the big chunk out of your front porch.
The creaking sound that the rocking chair made while I watched TV in your lap.
The books and toys that were stored under the loveseat.
Constantly bugging you to “write letters on my back.”
Going into the front bedroom to try on jewelry or play with dolls, and the rush of cold air when we opened the door.
Staying with you for a few days when mom was sick (pregnant with Melanie).
Watering the grass in the backyard and the rhubarb in the garden.