Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tidbits: October edition

We're coming up for air after a busy few weeks. We've had grandparent visits, school walk-a-thon, finished soccer, busy season for the Box Top lady (that's me), field trips, scouting stuff, etc, etc, etc. The schedule has definitely lightened up a bit now, and the kids even have several days off of school in the next few weeks, for various reasons.

Soccer season ended last week, which is a big reason for the lighter schedule. It was just in time, as it was starting to get cold and dark by game time. Katy continued to enjoy the season, which was impressive to me because her team struggled quite a bit. Even though they don't keep score at her age, we got creamed at most of the games (it's hard not to notice they've gotten 11 goals and we've had 1). She had a few really good games in which she scored a couple of goals, which still makes me teary every time. So we will see how we're feeling when spring comes to see if we'll do it again. She is really looking forward to next fall when she can play on an all-girls team.


On a particularly chilly morning, I took the boys to David's pumpkin patch fieldtrip. They had a blast. These are the times that it's hard for Katy to go to school because she knows she's going to miss something fun.

In pregnancy news, I'm entering the third trimester this week! Now that we're almost to Halloween, January doesn't seem impossibly far away. I don't know if I'm getting used to it or just learning how much activity I can handle, but I'm feeling like the discomfort seems more manageable these days. I need to take a belly picture. I sound like a broken record, but everyone looks at me with raised eyebrows these days when they hear my due date. I don't look like I still have 12 weeks to go, is what I'm saying.

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