Monday, June 25, 2012

Luke is 2!!

Dearest Luke,

Your second birthday was a low key and relaxing day in the middle of a busy week for our family. Part of me feels badly that we didn't have a big party for you, but I've also learned with time that for a two year old, the low key days are the best kind.

Grandpa and Grandma Sue brought a drill set, which was very popular with you and your siblings.

You had two sets of grandparents visiting at different parts of the weekend, and everyone gets such a kick our of you. You are so joyful at this age, very happy, laughing often and playing hard. You are still an intense kid, throwing some serious fits when you are upset about something, but you have settled down in the past few months, especially as your language has developed more. I just can't express how much I enjoy you, buddy! You are so fun, so cute, so interesting.

Several new cars from Cars 2 were another big hit.

You have your sister's heart in your hands and can get away with anything around her. You drive your brother crazy stealing his toys and running away saying, "mine!". He loves his little treasures and I hope you guys can figure out how to be buddies and let go of the possessiveness a little bit.

You seem to have a knack for physical coordination - you push a tricycle with your feet (fast!) and try to pedal. You can scoot the scooter and everyone comments on how fast you ride your push bike. I have to jog to keep up with you!

Apprehensively meeting your new balance bike from Oma. Let's take this up a notch!

One of my favorite things that you do often these days is crack up laughing and say, "That's funny!" or "That's silly!" over and over. Here's a video where I tried to capture it. You were laughing because Papa John drove his truck into the grass to make room for the big kids to skate on the driveway.

This year on your birthday, since we were just hanging out at home with family, we let you open one present every couple of hours. You really enjoyed this because you got to play with everything immediately after opening it. And you kept looked surprised and excited as each gift was presented. Everything you opened you said, "!". And all day as someone would say to you, "Happy Birthday!" you'd reply, "Happy Birthday!" Classic.

A simple cake this year. Nice for The Wiggles to get some representation.

I love you, little buddy, and can't imagine our family without our baby boy. Don't try to tell me you aren't a baby anymore, because I'm not buying it!

Love, Mommy

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