I’ve got some serious catching up to do in this space. I have much to say and no time to say it.
First, I want to share that Brian lost his Grandma last Thursday, so please pray for him and his family. Unfortunately, I never got to know his Grandma when she was healthy and well, but she is the matriarch (6 kids!) of the family that eventually created my husband. My children carry one eighth of her genetics. We are bonded, no matter how well I knew her, and I am sad to see her go.
This loss comes toward the end of an incredibly crazy 6 weeks for us. I’ve had the walk, Mother’s Day, the end of the school year, 2 family visits, hosted 2 birthday parties, attended a wedding out of state, and will now attend an out-of-town funeral before hosting a baby shower this weekend. And THEN it will feel like summer break.
So today’s picture has nothing to do with any of that. It has to do with two things.
One: I got a haircut. Short. I was feeling shaggy and frumpy and I needed a change. So there’s that.
Two: From age 5-21, I wore glasses every day of my life. Once I got contacts and my own vision insurance, I just didn’t bother to shell out $200 out of my own pocket for glasses, just to use as backup. So I haven’t had a functional pair of glasses in a LONG time. Recently, Money Saving Mom shared about getting prescription glasses at Zennioptical.org for less than $20. I could hardly believe it, but I went on the site and it’s true. I got these glasses, both lenses and frames, with my prescription and all the usual anti-glare and stuff, for $17.95 including tax and shipping! SEVENTEEN NINETY-FIVE!!! So far I am perfectly happy with them. And they even have a feature where you can download your picture and “try on” the frames, which is good for a laugh if nothing else. I just had to share it, because, seriously, that’s like a 90% discount and I want to spread the word. (Tip: if you go to get an eye exam and intend to use the prescription on zennioptical.org, make sure they give you your “pd” measurement, which is pupillary distance. They don’t usually take it until you are ordering your glasses, but you need it to buy them online).
Jack at 16
2 years ago