Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Updates on Cancelled Month

This snow is ridiculous. We don't have it nearly as badly as the east coast, I realize. But this is reminding me of my days in Ithaca, NY. Every three or four days, you get another 8 inches of snow, and it never has time to melt in between, so it's just snow snow snow until April. Maybe May. The only difference is that Ohio doesn't know how to handle it like New York, so it keeps shutting down the city. I was shocked this morning to learn that even OSU was closed, so Brian was home with us today. And although "snow day" has a positive connotation to most, too many snow days too close together with preschoolers is just challenging. We're playing card games, hide and seek, books, puzzles, and our fair share of wrestling and TV watching. Please let there be swim lessons tomorrow. Please.

This weekend was fun, taking caring of some wedding business with my mom and sister. One task was shopping for a flower girl dress for Katy, which she's been hyped about for weeks. One thing I failed to prepare her for: that we wouldn't actually be walking out of the store with a dress, they would have to order one for her. Ooops. That's one tantrum that could've been avoided.

This dress is not the one we picked, but I wanted to share her expression. She was bouncing around the shop, sneaking onto pedestals when brides were taking a break. And the dresses were strangely huge. We had to order her a 2T. Huh? So now we've got shoe shopping to look forward to.

This is what happens lately when we skip her nap (especially if we're out doing something busy like dress shopping). She collapses on the couch by 5pm, which messes up the sleep cycle for later. But taking a nap keeps her up until 10. *sigh* Sleep issues.

I just realized that the first four paragraphs start with the word "This." I am such a stellar writer! I'm going to leave it just because it's so obnoxious!

We've been learning the ins and outs of ice damming since our leaking issue arose. The good news is that a new roof may or may not have prevented it (actually, maybe that's bad news). The bad news is that we haven't even begun to see the extent of the damage once it starts melting. The good news is that home owners' insurance will cover it. The bad news is that we carry a pretty high deductible. So we'll see how this develops. It's a stressor, for sure.

And we were initially excited to see an animal in the trap within twelve hours of setting it. But then we were disappointed to learn that it was a squirrel. A freaking squirrel? Get out of my pricey trap! But under the contract we have, they will trap until they are sure the den is empty. So more waiting and seeing.

Oh, David, how I wish I had a picture or video of you. You are so precious and cute right now! What have I been doing during all these days that I don't have any material to offer?

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