Another day, another dozen diapers
May 2006 - 5 days old
Today, November 21, 2006, 6 months old
It's a shame that every time a baby reaches a major milestone, we take them to the doctor and celebrate by sticking needles in their leg. But that's what we did yesterday. She did pretty well. And she weighs 15 pounds, 6 oz., is 26 inches long, both of those are 50%'ile. She's doubled her birthweight, which is supposed to be some milestone for sleeping... speaking of that: the doc said that if I want to, I can try to get her to stop getting up twice a night. The process of doing that, however, seems daunting. As if on cue, last night Katy only got up once, which she hasn't done in a long time. It's as if she heard us talking and said, "that sounds awful, how about I make you a deal and just do it once?"
She has also started babbling the last few days, which is incredibly cute. She does some combination of "Dadada...yayayay...bababab..." etc. I love it when people at the doctor's office, etc., comment on how adorable she is, but you also want to invite them over to your house later that afternoon to get the whole picture. :)
105,785 (a stadium record) fans rush the field
A few students take home a little souvenir from the game...(I'm not going to say whether Melanie participated in such destructive behavior :))
The cops stand 3 deep to protect that precious goal post.
SHEW!!!! Man, that was stressful. That game reminded me of EVERY game during the 2002 season when we ended up winning the championship - staying just barely ahead the whole game, watching most of the game pacing back and forth, through the cracks of your fingers, coming down to the last second, winning by less than 7 points. After weeks and weeks of hype - the OSU v. Michigan game definitely lived up to it, and the Buckeyes pulled it off. I don't know about you, but I really hope we don't have to play them again for the championship - they were that good.
If you haven't been around to hear about Stadium Hat, I'll fill you in: back during the 2004 season, Articus purchased Stadium Hat for Brian as a birthday gift.
At first we just thought it was funny, Brian wore it to the games, got lots of comments from overly excited Buckeye fans, and that was that. Until last year Brian sold his Texas tickets on ebay, and thus didn't go to the game, therefore Stadium Hat was not present at the stadium. And guess what? We lost. A heartbreaker. So then we started to think...hmmm....maybe there's connection, we've always won as long as Stadium Hat has been present at the game. And since then, we've always made sure it was present at all home games. Stadium Hat has not lost - we think the overall record is about 20-0. So once again, Brian sold his Michigan tickets this year, but luckily, Melanie was going to the game, so she carried the torch, and alas - THANK YOU STADIUM HAT!!!
As for us, we watched the game with our good friends over at Jason and Beth's house. Everyone was such as good sport - having seen how Katy had reacted to all the screaming last weekend at bw-3's, everytime the Buckeyes scored, we all participated in a very quiet, yet very celebratory, O-H-I-O!!
One of the nailbiting moments during the game...
It's sure been crazy around here, though, and Melanie said the game was an experience she will never forget. I'll try to post again later with some more of her highlight pics...
(This picture makes me think of what you do for a puppy - leave baskets of chew toys laying around.)
And all of this is new this week - incredible, huh? So in an attempt to soothe the teething discomfort I decided to try this contraption: she's supposed to be eating the banana through the mesh part, at first she was confused.
But eventually she figured it out:
So it only makes me wonder what next week will bring... we'll be back to report.
So this morning I was talking on the phone with Katy in my lap and my finger in her mouth (a typical posture for me) and I was like, "hey...wait a minute, what's that sharp thing in your gums???" Now, ever since about mid-August Katy has been soaking the fronts of her shirts in 30 minutes or less, putting anything she can get her hands on in her mouth, and chewing on her lip, and I don't know how many people have said, "she's teething". But it's been almost 3 months, I was starting to doubt that that's what it was... but lo and behold - she does have teeth! Well, at least one that's barely poking through, but that counts for something.
Yesterday I declared myself the winner of the "Bad Mom Award". I was trying to fix cereal for Katy in the morning, and I put her down in the Bumbo seat on the kitchen floor (which is hard construction wood right now)... like this...
Oma also bought Katy a new toy- a jumperoo... and she gave her a bath in the Big Girl tub!!
And what trip to PA would be complete without a 3 hour excursion to IKEA! Katy entertained herself by chewing on a set of measuring spoons that Oma promptly purchased. The only thing more entertaining these days is any paper bag - the more crinkly, the better....