Unless my memory is failing me, the last several Decembers have felt more like fall than winter around here. But THIS year, it seems like the dead of winter already. We've had several significant snowfalls, including one snow day and one day that should have been a snow day. Before Thanksgiving I had to dig out all the snowsuits and boots and tried to find enough of everything to fit each child, and now I have made 4 or more trips to the consignment shop trying to replace the things that have been outgrown. (Katy, who wears a size 13 shoe, was complaining that her snow boots were a bit tight. I looked: they're size 10. Oops.) But the kids are having a blast in the snow, and have even been sledding at the metro park already. Luke LOVED it this year, after being quite timid last year.
I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in February, but at this time of year, I'm usually ready for a bit of cold and dark. There's something nice about being home at 5:30, and it's completely dark and freezing, so we MUST stay in the house. It's cozy for a change after the rowdy revolving door that is warm weather. But I know it will get old shortly after Christmas.
I posted this on Facebook and someone commented, "He is darling!" And that marks the 3rd time in recent weeks someone has mistaken her for a boy. Christmas gift idea: hair bows. |
Last Friday was a snow day, and I kept thinking how I'd like to make a list of all that we did that day, because it's unbelievable how much activity four children with short attention spans can go through. This is what I remember from that day:
- Katy researching facts about remote islands off the coast of Russia that she found on an atlas that Opa gave her.
- An elaborate Easter egg hunt in the basement with point systems redeemable for treats.
- Two Christmas movies.
- Snow play and hot chocolate.
- Making paper snowflakes.
- Decorating windows with holiday window clings.
- Turning on Christmas carols while we clean up an enormous Lego mess.
- Mommy trying to order some Christmas gifts online and get shopping lists organized so that I can run out in bits when I have an hour here and there over the weekend.
- Katy reading books to her little sibs.
Anna is obsessed with this push car (which I retrieved off a neighbor's trash pile with a big ol' pregnant belly around this time last year). It's in the basement for the winter, and she will go to the basement door and cry for us to take her down there and push her around on it. Sometimes we bring it upstairs, which makes her bounce like crazy with excitement. |
David has become such a big helper, and he's really such a joy to have around. I'm really thankful that he just has afternoon kindergarten, because I like that he's still home with us in the mornings. He plays with Luke and helps me with Anna or with other things when I need it. On Tuesdays, we take Luke and Rebecca (Wendy's daughter) to Tuesday school and then come home and put Anna down for nap. Then David and I have about an hour that's just us. Sometimes we play a board game or do a puzzle, or when it was warm outside we were riding bikes or playing soccer. Today it had snowed again overnight, so when we got home, I said, "Will you get started shoveling the driveway? I'll put Anna down for a nap and be right back to help you." I don't know if you can tell in this picture, but while I was upstairs, he had done half the driveway! By himself!!

I went and helped him finish, and toward the end he was getting cold. I told him to go ahead and go inside and I'd be right in. He said, "No, I'll help you finish - it will get done quicker and then you can come inside with me." Then we went inside and I made him a cup of hot chocolate and he told me all kinds of things about school. He's a sweet boy.

This weekend my Girl Scout troop marched in the Christmas parade. It was an experience. First of all, it was freezing, and we had to line up over an hour before we started walking. So by the time the parade started, some of the girls were DONE. Cold, tired, and wanting to go home. Then they put us right in front of this high school marching band, and I'm here to tell you that I felt like I was being chased the entire time. We were trying desperately to stay in front of them, but they were not slowing down! I was walking fast, and the girls were trying to hand out candy and keep up. It was quite stressful to keep track of them, I just kept counting heads over and over and over. But then it was over before I could blink. I think our marching part lasted about 20 minutes maybe? The girls voted to do this for this year, but I really don't think they'll pick it next year. Maybe when they are older...
I have a good video of Anna belly laughing at her siblings - really all I want is the audio...but I can't get it to load. I'll try again later.