Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Pace Continues

David was SO excited to wear Spiderman jammies on the same night as Luke.

All done with preschool until fall. He has had a GREAT year.

Our tree swing gets hours and hours and hours of use. I break up a lot of arguments over whose turn it is.

Grammy and Papa John came for a visit and we put them to work, this time painting the shed. Katy and David helped and they LOVED it. And they were actually helpful!

Perfect weather again this weekend.

Brian and I switched roles this time - I painted and he chased Luke and brought us food. I was so thankful for a change of pace - I really enjoyed painting.

Katy wanted a bandanna like me. Once I showed her how to use the brush and how to trim carefully, she really was helpful.


After - it's the same color as the house.

Katy has been asking me for months for a pair of Twinkle Toes. They cost more than my usual $15 cap for shoes, so I kept telling her to ask Grammy for them for her birthday (Papa John's daughter works in a shoe store so they like to buy shoes).

So Grammy came through, and she is thrilled. And you can't get the full effect from the still shot - because they light up, too!

In the next two weeks...finishing Girl Scouts, finishing soccer, a visit from Oma and Opa, Katy's birthday, the end of school, and a garage sale. And then it's SUMMER!

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